The Spark Blog

Why IP strategy is crustal to your business?

narrow passages, forcing others to navigate through our protected tech, no matter their route

So, you've kicked off something big—a shiny new startup, a groundbreaking product at your established gig, or maybe a fresh business unit in some old-school giant corporation.

You're all set up, teams are buzzing, and everyone's eyes are on the prize.

But hold up, are you missing a piece of the puzzle?

IP Protection: Not Just a Checkbox

Okay, let’s say you’re savvy. You know IP protection is crucial and you’ve got your patent drafts all ready. But is that enough?

Nope, not by a long shot.

Beyond the Basics

Think of IP strategy as more than just filing patents here and there.

It’s got to weave into your overall business blueprint. It's about playing chess, not checkers.

Strategic Moves

Here's a real scenario for you: Your team’s on the verge of something revolutionary, game-changing even. But, did you stop to think if there's another way to skin the cat?  Could a future rival come up with a different method or system, one that could bypass your IP and still compete?

Playing the Long Game

It’s all about thinking ahead. For instance, when competitors find a way around your patent without needing to license from you, is there a common ground they all have to cross? Can you plant your flag there?

Real Talk: The Finjan Play (generate $430M in IP revenue)

When we were building out Finjan's patent portfolio, we didn’t just stop at securing a few basic patents. We crafted an intricate strategy that covered all bases, adding layers with daughter and extension patents around our core IPs. We strategically placed our stakes in narrow passages, forcing others to navigate through our protected tech, no matter their route.

Wrapping Up

Building an IP strategy is crucial—it’s not just ticking off tasks. It's about crafting a robust defense for your innovations, ensuring you not only lead but dominate the market. Dive deep, strategize, and protect. That’s how you secure your company’s future.

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